The intent of the Mathematics Achievement Academies, Grades K–3 is to enhance teachers' knowledge and skills so they can effectively teach students in primary elementary grades to achieve mathematical proficiency. The academies will familiarize teachers with research-based effective and systematic instructional practices in mathematics that they can use to help students develop problem-solving skills and a strong foundation of number sense and fluency.
Academies for grade 2 and grade 3 were offered in the summer of 2016. The academy for grades K–1 was offered in the summer of 2017. Contact your education service center (ESC) for information on training opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions documents regarding the Mathematics Achievement Academies can be found here.
Topics include the following:
Topics include the following:
Topics include the following:
Visit the Texas Gateway for engaging, TEKS-aligned resources.
Online professional development courses for the ESTAR/MSTAR assessments are available at
Contact your ESC for information on additional training opportunities.
Lessons and Activities for Grades K–3
Additional Resources
Please visit the TEA website for more information about the Mathematics and Reading Academies or visit the TEA Mathematics page for more information about curriculum, assessment, and rules.
Please contact the Texas Math Support Center Helpdesk for questions about the Mathematics Achievement Academies, for ESTAR/MSTAR assessment questions and technical assistance, or if you have questions about online professional development courses or resources for math.